Designed to allow a company to develop a business and operating plan for the year ahead. In addition to conducting a full review of all the company business processes, we will work to then prioritize the company goals. Once we have established all the relevant goals, we can then create a plan.
The plan will consist of a Financial plan, Marketing Plan, Production Plan, and a Human Resources Plan.
We will create a working budget that transcends a onetime budget and becomes an operating platform for your company. We will also design a lead forecast, sales, sales closure rates, estimated marketing budget to create those leads, and a forecast for labor and crews, techs maintenance.
We will review all methods of pricing, market and cost based, the methods you may enjoy implementing to increase your sales, as well as consumer promotions for your slower transition shoulder seasons, a break-even calculation, and how to be sure we are making a profit and positive cash flow in any given period.
In workshop we will create a positioning cookbook price system, and analyze how this can be used in your own company. Whether you already have a set price book or not this analysis is essential to know how a company can sell utilizing overhead per crew day, and combining marketing practices in the slower periods.
Finally, we will cover all aspects of service management, developing tech lead turnovers and sales, service agreements, accessory sales, and marketing to gain access to new service clients both digitally and also via traditional media.
- Opening Remarks & Agenda Review
- Company Evaluation Processes and Business Review – BUSINESS EVALUATOR
- Detailed company evaluations performed individually
- Detailed Strategic Discussions
- Detailed GAP Analysis of each individual Company
- Leadership Practices & Strategies
- Company Performance – Financial Strategies & Goals
- Service & Maintenance Operations Practices & Strategies
- Residential Add-On Practices & Strategies
- New Home Construction Practices & Strategies
- Define the Company Change & Priorities Planning List
Group Training – The Improvement & Change Process in a Company
- Identifying Gaps – Gap Analysis – Focus the Priorities on the Key Company Issues
- The Planning Process – How to Take the Plan and Make a Reality
Leadership & Forming a Company Operating Plan
- Establishing a Vision for Your Company
- Working Exercise to create a Vision
- Core Values & Operating Philosophies
- Working Exercise to Create Company Core Values & Culture
- Establishing Company Goals for 2024
- Working Exercise to Define Company Goals for Plan
- Key Company Benchmarks – Discussion
- Working Exercise for Prioritization & benchmark of company against model company data
- Prioritizing Goals/Actions, & Strategies, and Implementation Steps for Marketing, Human Resources, and Operational Production Planning
- Defining & Completing Company Action Plans for Key Company Performance Goals
- Revenues/Margins/Growth Rate/Profits/S.G.A. Costs/Key Changes 2023-2024
Financial Planning & Mapping
- Financial Review
- Evaluation of Current P&L and Statements (Ratios and Interpretation)
- Case Study Evaluation of Industry Models by Segment
- Your Company Evaluation
- Ratios and Performance Measures/Outcomes
- Cash Flow of Company
- Defining Specific Financial Goals, Strategies, Actions
- Service Department Pricing, Efficiency, Production, GP $ per hour
- Market Segment Financial Analysis
- Residential Replacement Analysis
- Residential Add-On Benchmarks (GP $ per Crew) and Why
- Your Company Benchmarks for Replacement
- Retrofit Pricing Analysis (Cookbook) and Group Exercises
- New Home Analysis
- Construction Benchmarks (GP $ per Crew) and Why
- Pricing Analysis and Group Exercises (Dual OH)
- Budgeting and Forecasting Performance
- Group Training
- Using the Budget Software Tool
- Slowest 3 Month Model for Overhead Tool
- Production Tools & Forecast to Actual Software Tools
- Individual Exercise
- Creating your company Production Plan for Labor
- Creating Your Budget for 2023 using Software
- Individual Exercise
- Creating Slowest 3 Month Model – Shoulder Seasons
Service & Maintenance Department Planning
- Service Department Benchmarking & Analysis – the Profitability Models
- Dealing with Service Revenue Seasonality – Flattening the Sales Curve
- Over Ten Processes/Program
- Define and Review the Service Department Better Practices
- Dispatching
- Hiring, Recruiting, Training
- Pricing and Labor Management
- Customer Service Practices for Improved Service
- Maintenance & Technician Selling/Turnover Models
- Vehicle Replenishment
- Service Agreement Models & Maintenance Department Better Practices
- Types of Agreements
- Pricing & Positioning of Agreements
- Pricing Model
- Establishing & Writing Service & Maintenance Department Action Plans
Creating a Lead Generation Plan with a Company Marketing Plan
- External Marketing Review
- Lead Planning – from Marketing Budget
- Creating Referrals in your Company
- Promotional Discussions – Slow Shoulder Season
- Media & Advertising – Mediums Choices/Overlaid Campaigns
- Social Media Yearly Calendar
- Internal Marketing – Communications, Leadership & Training
- Meeting Rhythms and Communications
- Operational Marketing – Establishing Processes supportive of Marketing
- Maintenance Agreement Processes
- Maximizing Lead Turnover Processes
- Tying your media in Brand – Operations
Executing the Company Plan
- Group Training Session – Using a Flawless Execution Model
- Closing Comments
Pre-Work/What to Bring:
- 1. Your Company Business Plan
- 2. Organization Chart – current – also if available 3 year version
- 3. Final year previous year income statement – detailed if available – Departmental if you have it
- 4. Year to date Income Statement – through Oct 2023 to annualize-Departmental if you have it
- 5. Current balance sheet
- 6. Goals for the coming year
- a. Goal for the coming year broken into departments – service/AOR/MTC/commercial/comm mtc etc…. all departments broken down
- b. Sales
- c. GP Dollars
- d. Gross Margin %
- e. Sales Growth %
- f. Service Agreement growth, renewal, attrition
- g. Earnings target – EBIT – also known as operating income
- h. Other goals
- 7. Pay for each field labor person – possible report or just know the wages you pay
- 8. Month by month breakdown of all sales by department – seasonal sales mix percentages.
- 9. Month by month breakdown of each cost of goods sold – by department if possible.
***NOTE: 7 and 8 are basically monthly printouts of detailed income statements by month to project in a budget of sales and costs
- a. We would love if you had a budget you did – bring that
- 10. Your system or method of pricing
- 11. Flat rate or time and material labor rate used in service departments
- 12. Sales closure rates by month
- 13. Average tickets for service, plumbing, HVAC, Drain, and Retail Sales by Year/& Month
- 14. Lead tracking if available – cost per lead
- 15. Where you got your lead sources from and those costs per leads
- 16. # of maintenance agreements and renewal percentages
- 17. Percentage of leads from service and maintenance
- 18. Lead turnover ratio’s – calls run, lead turned, what ratio
- 19. Your company scoreboard/scorecard/KPI charts for your dashboard IF you have it
Please bring a working laptop or device that has Microsoft Excel so you can work within the spreadsheet templates we will provide.